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Souphorse is Billy Sinkford, partner at Echos Communications. Billy is deeply embedded in PR and marketing, working with brands that he is passionate about, and helping them to create a vibrant presence on the web. With over 15 years experience in marketing and PR, Billy works with ECHOS to create marketing campaigns and PR strategy, giving visibility to their products and spreading brand messaging far and wide. Billy’s roots began as a messenger in the late 90’s, and has since built deep relationship and knowledge in the cycling and urban/outdoor lifestyle culture.

ECHOS works with wonderful clients such as The Vanilla Workshop, Argonaut Cycles, Blackburn, SILCA and many more, Billy and ECHOS are redefining marketing for cycling and active lifestyle brands. Projects such as the managing the Levi’s Commuter launch and the Urban Cycling Hall Of Fame have helped solidify ECHOS authority in the market. When not banging away on the keyboard or working on a brand innitatve for a client, Billy can be found with his children, or out on a long ride in the hills of Portland.